Introducing Career Coaching on

Learn about's new career coaching service

Career coaching is only about 35 years old as an industry. But even within its small lifetime, career coaching has had a great deal of impact on professionals by helping millions of people make career transitions, ace interviews, select opportunities, and much more. is now excited to open up our new career coaching service to everyone starting today. We’ve helped over 20 individuals in our pilot program who have had great feedback for our growing network of over 10 experienced coaches.

We believe career coaching has the power to significantly improve people’s career trajectories. Unlike other career coaching services, career coaches are professionals in the industry today! Our coaches have experience across various career paths and you can read about their profiles before booking on our career coaching page.

Since our coaches are not career coaches by profession, this is a unique opportunity to learn from someone who understands the real day-to-day work and the ever-changing landscape of the tech industry. One of our clients said, “It’s nice to be able to talk to an actual software engineer to answer questions that only a software engineer can answer!”

How Does It Work?

You can take a look at our landing page and see the full profiles for our coaching team. Whether you’re a new grad engineer, an experienced CTO, or even someone looking to break into a tech job for the first time, we have coaches who can help! From there, you can book time with them and let them know exactly what you’re hoping to learn. Our coaches understand that this is a partnership, so they are ready to work with you to help ensure you feel empowered and confident with your career choices.

More questions?

You can check out our FAQ on the landing page for more details! If they don’t cover your question, please feel free to reach out to and our team will be able to help you out from there.

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